Community Peace Events


First Baptist Congregational Church 1613 West Washington, Chicago, IL, United States

Unity Dinner

2659 South Central Park Avenue 2659 S Central Park, Chicago, IL, United States

Interfaith Community Solidarity Posada

Zocalo de Pilsen 1818 S Paulina, Chicago, IL, United States

Faith, civic, and small business leaders in solidarity with our communities at risk. Join our procession in a call for respect for immigrants and youth and respect for our unique faith traditions during these holy days. Únete a líderes religiosos, cívicos y de pequeñas empresas en solidaridad con nuestras comunidades en riesgo... únete a nuestra […]

Street Mass

3100 South Millard 3100 South Millard, Chicago, IL, United States

Join the St Agnes of Bohemia Parish community as we celebrate with the: Sector San Miguel Arcangel Thursday, July 18th @ 6:00pm rosary followed by mass @ 7:00 pm 3100 block South Millard